Safe & Responsible Trading
Trusted across Europe
Stryk has been downloaded by over 2.6 million people in 12 European countries
fca authorised & regulated
Stryk is a trading name of BUX Financial Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, the UK financial regulator, registration number 184333.
Your money remains yours
Money from you, as a customer, will always be kept separate from our own company assets: that’s a requirement of FCA.
Easy withdrawal of money
Depositing and withdrawing money from your Stryk account is fast and hassle-free.
Tested by security experts
Our systems are frequently checked by online security experts so your information is secure and protected with us.
Encrypted Data
All server communication is TLSv1.2 encrypted. So no data falls prey to digital voyeurs.
Over 2,600,000 users
Stryk has more than 2,600,000 users. You can find our app in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
Over 170,000 accounts opened
Over 170,000 users have opened an account with Stryk to trade with real money.